Friday, January 18, 2013


Reach: Finally made the rank of Noble. But O-M-F-G I still have forever to go before I even rank up to Eclipse and then I don't even remember what else. Nova, Forerunner, Inheritor, Relcaimer. Those will take millions each. Plus I still have the 1M and 2M armor effects to buy. It took me quite a while even to rack up enough for the 300k Heart Attack. FUCK. I will be mostly done with all the fun stuff in 4 before I have everything finished in here.
Oh well. I have set about to do this and it isn't like I have anything else extremely important to do at the moment. Live free or die trying, Fuck the Cannibals.


Reach: Daily Challenge - Kill 200 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with precision weapons.
Had a few previous good counts on this today, but two rounds of Gruntpocalypse made it all come true.

On the Sixth Respawn...

Reach: Daily Challenge - Complete a Firefight Matchmaking game with fewer than 5 deaths. Complete.
Did a Gruntpocalypse on Outpost. Got lots of DMR kills for the precision challenge and did not die at all. So completed this Challenge and got another point on my perfectionist score so I can finish that medal out. Someday.

The T. G. Opposition

Reach: Daily Challenge - Kill 100 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with the Shotgun. Complete.
This was a bitch.

Blastin' and Relaxin'

Reach: Daily Challenge - Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in reach.
Firefight is a saint for this.

Got Backup

4: War Games Daily Challenge: Get 12 kills with a Secondary Weapon. Complete.
As per usual, thanks to SWAT.

Almost had the second challenge of getting 5 multi kills in one game. Yeah, I suck at that.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


4: Daily Challenge - Win 9 matchmaking Oddball matches. Complete.
I hate the name of this as it is a term disgusting people use. However, the games were enjoyable and I had a good enough time holding the blue ball and smashing people with it. It also serves my personality as dying for my teem can actually be an asset in this game type.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Rogue Complete

4: Have completed requirements for SR 60. Now have SR 50 and RG 10. Rogue Completed and now continuing on to Stalker 1.

To Be Precise

4: War Games Daily Challenge - Get 15 kills with a Precision Loadout Weapon. Complete.
Again and always: Love SWAT.

I am one match away from SR60!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Harvesting Hunters

4: Spartan Ops Weekly Challenge - Kill 20 Hunters. Complete.
Thanks again to Shootout in Valhalla, this was not so hard. Those guys swarm in there like mad and you get a Mantis to kill them with.

Interesting events.
1) I got T-Bagged by my own Mantis when it blew up. I hit the ground and it sat right on my up turned face.
2) I used the Mantis "Stomp" to blow up a low flying Banshee. Why didn't they make THAT some kind of achievement or challenge?

I also spotted something about Elite killer (not for this weeks challenge) and Banshee destroyer going up. And I am almost to level 60. This pleases me for one nights work.

Destroyer of Grunts

4: Spartan Ops Weekly Challenge - Kill 200 Grunts. Complete
Lots of work in lots of chapters to get all these little bastards gone this morning.

I am the 99 Percent

4: Spartan Ops Weekly Challenge: Kill 30 Elites. Complete. Nothing like joy riding in a mantis.

Quick on the Trigger

4: War Games Daily Challenge - Earn 3 Combat Skill Medals in a single match. Complete.
Now, these are any of:
Killjoy, Headcase, From the Grave, Reload This or Showstopper. Each of these are mostly LUCK rather than skill.
But they are what they are and I SOMEHOW managed to get them.

Spray and Pray

4: War Games Daily Challenge - Get 15 kills with an Automatic Loadout Weapon. Complete
Shouldn't this be Spray and PrEy?


4: Currently 59. Spartan 50 Rogue 9. Almost done with my first specialization. I love double xp and challenge xp. Have not found how to make custom challenges yet. But Waypoint DOES have some.

Threading the Needle

4: War Games Daily Challenge - Kill 11 Players with a headshot in a single match. Complete. Again - Have to love SWAT.

The Pistolero

4: War Games Weekly Challenge - Get 15 kills with a Secondary Weapon in a single match. Complete Got to love SWAT.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Requiem Legendary

4: Currently working on Mission 2: Requiem on Legendary. With much work and none too little frustration I made ONE checkpoint tonight. Legendary is meant to let you say you are a Legend when done, and so I do not complain about the difficulty. I am warming up to 4 more and more. My complaints are still valid, but I do love this game.
I passed the Midnight Launch achievement last night. The next one of carrying a UNSC weapon the whole way should not be much more difficult. I will manage. But first, I just have to get through this level.
Happy Hunting.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Midnight Launch

4: Achievement Unlocked - Midnight Launch. Get significant air in the Warthog at midnight in mission 2.

Thanks again to achievement hunter, I figured out how to change the time setting so that even though I am playing at 3 am, I could get this.
The 60 seconds to get air is not that difficult. And the air does not even have to be that much. But as with the Reach 1M achievement, it is a matter of sitting here at the turn of the hour waiting to start making hops in a wart hog.

See ya!

Spray and Pray

4: War Games Weekly Challenge - Get 80 kills with an Automatic Loadout Weapon. Complete.

Was not that easy, let me tell you.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Heat in the Pipe

At 2am on the minute, after 321:10 (min ; sec) in one game, I finally got the 1 million points. In the 4th wave of the 3rd round of the 17th set.

Now, of course I had to fudge every setting just to make this time feasible. Unlimited ammo, bottomless clip, invulnerability, no time limit. I stacked the waves with all the high point critters, made the bonus round 2 min long. And of course I did it on Corvette so that I had a captive audience.

The total reads "Kills: 1023. Best spree: 5658". It lost count of my kills somewhere.
I used Rocket Launcher and Gravity Hammer primarily. I used the 4 frag grenades that I started the game with and then used all the plasma grenades I could find. I still need to get my grenade commendation completed. I also used the FRG, Sword, and Sniper rifle to alleviate the monotony. The multi kill count is impressive.

Double Kills: 1023
Triple Kills: 478
Overkills: 232
Killtacular: 121
Killtrocity: 77
Killimanjaro: 52
Killtastrophe: 33
Killpocalypse: 20
And a wonderful
Killionaire: 12

Other medals -
Pummel: 270
Sticky: 84
Firebird: 66
Assassination: 12
Sniper Kill: 8
Killing Spree: 1
Killing Frenzy: 1
Running Riot: 1
Rampage: 1
Untouchable: 1
Invincible: 1
Inconceivable: 1
Unfrigginbelievable: 1
Sniper Spree: 1
Sharpshooter: 1
Sword Spree: 1
Slice N Dice: 1
Cutting Crew: 1
Stick Spree: 1
Sticky Fingers: 1
Corrected: 1 (Who the hell thought that name up?)
Hammer Spree: 1
Dream Crusher: 1
Wrecking Crew: 1
Beat Down: 1 (I tried to get more)
First Strike: 1

And all I got was 344 credits.

I am never doing this again.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Third Eye

Reach: Custom Challenge for Firefight Matchmaking. Get 600 headshots in 3 hours.
This makes ones hands sore as hell. But this earns 10k credits and can be done multiple times per day. Not to mentions that in that attempt you usually earn over 2k credits for a bare minimum of 5 games. So less than 3 hours work for 20k credits is not bad in reach.

I am slowly working my way to the last 3 items I need in the armory and making an even slower voyage to complete my rank from Mythic to Forerunner.


Gruntpocalypse on Unearthed. 87 Headshots. Plus my total commendations netted me 666 credits.
Hail Satan!


Just went through Grunpocalypse on Courtyard. ZERO deaths, 118 Kills, 89 Headshots.
So, while I used some grenades to keep me out of the much, I managed to get my Invincible back and I made it through a perfect round. I feel better about myself. I do not need another blue medal for the rest of my night.

Rust on Reach

Wow, I have gotten really rusty on Reach. I just died 4 times on a Gruntpocalypse game. I cannot remember the last time I did Grunt work and did not get an Invincible medal (100 kills without dying). My perception and my quick aim with a DMR has gone to hell playing 4 too much.


Reach: Firefight Matchmaking Daily Challenge - Kill 40 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking.
Complete also in that one game.

Playing with just one other person, who beat me by less than 2000 points, we got lots done. The New Enemy Progression set up offers an abundance of Elites.
All told, I got all 4 daily challenges done in just one match and we each cleared over 17000 credits. I know because I heard him on the mic.


Reach: Firefight Matchmaking Daily Challenge - Earn 25 multikills in a (single) Firefight Matchmaking game.
Complete in that same ONE game.


Reach: Firefight Matchmaking Daily Challenge - Earn 5 Sprees in a (single) Firefight Matchmaking game.
Complete in that same match.


Reach: Firefight Matchmaking Daily Challenge - Kill 120 Enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.
Completed in one match.

Special Classes

4: I am now a Rogue 7. However, I do not believe I have earned any of the credits for armor and the like for the advancement in the rogue class. The items have been revealed and some unlocked, but I have not been able to purchase anything. Guess I will have to space out my specializations to make sure I can buy all the toys.

Achievement Hunter

I have singed on at Achievement Hunter and started to catalog my achievements for Halo on there. The name is BadHatKat. I am having a damnable time trying to figure out how to fill out anything else on there.

Spartan Takedown

4: War Games Daily Challenge - Kill 20 Players. Completed.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Knight in White Assassination

4: Achievement - Assassinate a Knight in any Spartan Ops mission. Completed
And it got me Rogue 7.

This one I did on Normal. It took a few good smacks and then an assassination. Was not as hard as I thought it would be. Those creepy bastards always want to teleport away. But once I got rid of crawlers it was not hard to use camo to get up to one.

That is all for the Spartan Ops Achievements.

What Power Outage?

4: Achievement - Completed Episode 5, Chapter 4 of Spartan Ops without losing a generator on Heroic or harder.

Yes, I took Heroic. And it took many tries. But for once I did not need Achievement Hunter to help me. It just took a lot of work.

This means that the last Achievement I have yet to complete is to assassinate a Knight. And since my 11 year old already has, I best get on it.

No Easy Way Out

4: Achievement - No Easy Way Out
In Episode 5, Chapter 1 of Spartan Ops survived the enemy assault during the defense on Normal or harder.

Thank you again Achievement Hunter. This is written incorrectly in 2 ways.

1) Not on Normal. On Heroic or Legendary. I did Heroic.

2) Survive is a loose term. I thought that it had to be NO DEATHS during the part where the defense Icons were up. This is not true.
I died lots and lots. But I made it through the whole assault.
When the Defend Icons go away and you are told to activate a new device, DO NOT DO IT! Keep fighting Promethians. If you hit the device, it will stop the attack. There are more waves to come and you have to defeat all of them to get this achievement. Strangely, there was still one Watcher in front of me when the achievement activated.

Thanks again Achievement Hunter for showing me the problems in this.
It is slightly cheating to ask these guys where every little Easter Egg and achievement is, but I tried SO FUCKING HARD before I asked them, because I knew there had to be something wrong with the wording on this. And I always try to get the achievements on my own before consulting with them. Peace!


4: Spartan Ops Weekly Challenge - Kill 30 Knights. Complete

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Creeping 'n Crawling

4: Weekly Challenge Spartan Ops - Kill 80 Crawlers. Complete

Watchful Avenger

4: Weekly Challenge Spartan Ops - Kill 20 Watchers. Complete.

Digging up the Past

4: Achievement - Find the Master Chief's service record in the Dawn. Unlocked.

Thank you achievement hunter. I looked through hell and high water while fighting the covies on Legendary, but that one dark staircase eluded me.

Game Over, Man!

4: War Games Daily Challenge - Complete 4 matchmaking games.

Even won a Regicide.
At least this is better than "Make a video and post it."

Spartan Thorne Legendary

4: Spartan Ops Episode 5 Chapter 5 completed Solo on Legendary. All the Episodes to date are complete. Still have the other achievements in these 5 to find, but I have this done.
This time it went smoother. I did not notice that there was a Wraith deliberately left up for grabs, I had blown it up real fast the first time thinking that it was about to join in the fight. It made things much easier for a while.

Next couple of tasks will include starting the campaign again and searching for a few more Easter Eggs.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Dedicated to Crimson

4: Achievement unlocked - Dedicated to Crimson. Having completed all the Episodes and Chapters on Heroic or harder. Quite happy with this. I have to finish Ep 5 Ch 5 on Legendary, I have (I think) 4 more RvB Easter Eggs to find, and two more Achievements for these Episodes. Lots to do. Challenges and XP. I march on. Crimson Proud.

Spartan Thorne Heroic

4: Spartan Ops Episode 5 Chapter 5 Completed on Heroic solo.
This one blows goats. Spawning very far away from where you have to be, and there are tons of heavy enemies and no vehicles for quite a while. Died 24 times.
Earned RG level 5.
Funny part is I usually blast at the pelican to show how pissed off I am at the time they take to get to me. This time the pelican actually DOES blow up. It was pretty funny. Now I am actually sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the next set of episodes to be released. In the mean time I have lots of other achievements to unlock doing these and they are an acceptable way to earn XP.

The Cauldron Base Legendary

4: Spartan Ops Episode 5 Chapter 4 completed solo on Legendary.
Almost kept both generators. I may be able to get that accomplishment. But on to chapter 5 so I can have all 5 Episodes complete.

The Cauldron Base

4: Spartan Ops Episode 5 Chapter 4 complete on Heroic.
This was a quick mission and lots of fun with the Mantis. However, I can see the difficulty in getting the achievement of not loosing either generator.

Everything has gone Wrong Legendary

4: Spartan Ops Episode 5 Chapter 3 complete on Legendary.
Two more chapters and I will have another achievement. Now I just have to focus on 5-1 defense without dying. That has proven tough.

Everything has gone Wrong Heroic

4: Spartan Ops Episode 5 Chapter 3 Complete on Heroic.
I do not like how this new engine deletes weapons on the ground. Fucking Hunters. GRRRRRR.

Rogue 4

4: My Spartan Rogue is currently at RG4. The helmet and body armor are pretty kewl. Can't wait to get the special Carbine.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Deft Hand

4: War Games Weekly Challenge - Earn 35 Combat Skill Medals.

That was a fun one. Getting lots of Killjoys and FTG. Now for more Automatic weapon kills.

SR 50 / RG 01

4: I just made it to SR 50 and selected my first specialization: Rogue. I am sure most people are going for the oh-so-ominous Wetwork first, but this one seems to be better for me. And the level 10 specialization of giving you better weapon stability while being shot seems to be much better for me.


Hi everybody. Happy 3:43am. I happen to be in between attempts at Episode 5 Chapter 1 achievement and looked down at my clock to see it was 3:43. So HI!

Film Afficionado

4: War Games Daily Challenge - Upload a film clip that you authored.

Oh my freaking god. I don't know if I am disappointed at this challenge because it is so stupid OR that it was challenging to me. *facepalm*
I recorded the video of the previously bragged about Regicide match. Then I uploaded it. However, it was actually kind of difficult for me to find HOW to do that. Thankfully I did not have to Google it. But really, do they have to make THIS the daily challenge. Sure, the pay off was equal to the difficulty, 500xp. But to waste a slot for that on the daily challenge. Couldn't they have put in "Earn one Assassination" for the same or more XP, something that is actually pertinent to one's ability in Halo?
Believe me, you don't WANT to see the kinds of videos that I make and put on the internet.

Regicide Vicotry

4: While playing the Infinity Challenge Regicide I won and got 305 points as King. I think a big contributor to that was not running when I was King, but always trying to kill more people. In a free for all, the opportunist gets good points, running up on two people fighting and killing them. For the most part I used my assault rifle trying to get the Weekly Waypoint challenge. Some suppressor, lots of stickies, and a few melee kills. But WOW was it kewl to win a Regicide.

Nothing can go Wrong Legendary

4: Spartan Ops Episode 5 Chapter 2 completed on Legendary.
Once again I let all the scientists die. I don't think that actually mattered. I love the crawlers exploding when you shoot them in the face.

Nothing can go Wrong Heroic

4: Spartan Ops Episode 5 Chapter 2 on Heroic Complete.
This seemed too short, almost too easy for a Spartan Ops episode. Though, I did let all the scientists die. They would not stay out of harms way. Fucking civilians.

Threading the Needle

4: War Games Daily Challenge. Kill 11 Players with a headshot in a single match. Got to love SWAT. Surprisingly I find 4 Swat much more difficult.
Bumper Jumper is not my friend as it used to be. Also I notice that blue glasses while looking for blue players on a new TV I cannot adjust the color on makes a whole new learning curve for me. But I am still playing and having fun. Still obsessed with each challenge I can complete. Funny though, if I want the daily challenges, maybe I should not start playing at midnight.

Fully Automated (Weekly)

4: War Games Weekly Challenge. Get 15 kills with an Automatic Loadout Weapon in a single match. Somehow I completed this last night and did not notice. Must have been during a Dominion game.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Fully Automated (Daily)

4: Daily Challenge Fully Automated - Get 13 kills with an Automatic loadout weapon in one game. Completed on a Regicide match on Adrift.

Additionally, I got second in that game and in the next I got first place. Am I getting better, or is it only losers on at 9:30 on a Friday night.

Elite Officer Slayer

4: Somehow I have already completed the commendation for Elite Officer Slayer. Rank - Master (6/6)

Destroyer of Grunts

4: Spartan Ops Weekly Challenge. Kill 100 Grunts. Complete.

Shield Break!

4: Spartan Ops Weekly Challenge. Kill 70 Jackals. Complete.

I am the 99 Percent

4: Spartan Ops Weekly Challenge "I am the 99 Percent" Completed. Kill 40 Elites

Spartan Ops: The Didact's Gift

4: Spartan Ops Episode 4 Chapter 5 completed solo on Legendary. OMFG - Took me 1:14:10, died 72 times and only killed 162 enemies. That is barely more than 2 kills per life. Those Knights with the "Ought-Bullshit" are no joke. I mean that big pyro canon thing. However, I do believe I got some good progress on challenges.

Spartan Ops The Chase

4: Spartan Ops Episode 4 Chapter 4 The Chase completed on Legendary solo. It seems I forgot to complete Ch 4 and 5 after doing the whole episode with my two kids the other week.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Spartan Ops "Spartan Miller"

4: Spartan Ops Episode 5 Chapter 1 "Spartan Miller" completed solo on Legendary.

Spartan Ops "Spartan Miller"

4: Spartan Ops Episode 5 Chapter One Spartan Miller completed solo on Heroic. Elevated to Spartan 48.

One Spartan Army

Reach: Daily Challenge: Kill 400 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking. Completed

I finished this challenge in Fistfight on Corvette. Of note, I got a double kill for 666 points and I also missed the 40k point challenge by only 405 points which the screen even showed me scoring AFTER the end of game was called by the control. Crap.


Reach: Daily Challenge - Kill 30 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking. Complete.

One Game / One Spawn

Reach: Daily Challenge - Complete one game of Firefight Matchmaking without dying. Completed.