Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Linked Up with Bungie.net

Reach: Daily Challenge. Link your gamertag with Bungie.net and play a game in Halo: Reach Matchmaking - INCOMPLETE.
1 cR.

OK, what the fuck, over? Bungie.net has not been used in like 2 years. When I got my 360 in November of 2011 it was already too late for me to link up with Bungie and get my nice flaming blue helmet or ribbon for my name in the games. So how in the hell is this a challenge?
I tried it. I went back to Bungie. I linked in with my name and it knows all my friends including those added last night. But it doesn't know my rank or score, hasn't since last November or so. I linked in and I tried all of the games. Matchmaking, Firefight, Score Attack. Nothing works.
So who in the bloody hell decided that this was part of today's challenges and to make it worth 1 cR? 343 - WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING? Who is running this ship? You are really disappointing me. Get on the ball, or I am switching to Gears and Destiny.

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