Monday, July 28, 2014

Streaky Shooter

Reach: Daily Challenge. Earn 5 sprees in multiplayer Matchmaking - Complete.
2850 cR.

OK, now this is why I have this blog.
In matchmaking I never get sprees. I suck. I got one killing spree in 4 sets of SWAT today. Then I went to Grifball. We all know how it goes in Grifball for me. Then I went to Living Dead. Shot Guns and Swords, figured I had good odds. Nope, I was still sucking. Then, on the second to last round of the game I had decided was going to be my last for the night, I got lucky as shit.

I start Living Dead as Human. I got in two nice shots with the shotgun, and then I found two dead stick zombies. 12 gauge knock out for them. Then I see them pop up across the field. I pick them off with the .45. That gets me a killing spree and a zombie killing spree. I run over there to find them again and I use my shot gun, I get my shot gun spree and then knock out a couple more and for the first time ever, Hell's Janitor. Very happy with that even if I did have to use 6 kills on 2 dead sticks. I'm happy because I have never earned Janitor before and this will let me finish up tonight and get the weekly challenge of a daily dose. Going to eat some groceries and get back to the game.

Hey, seriously, I see 4 to 6 visits for almost every post. If someone is reading this and NOT just to turn it in to state's evidence, give me a shout, we should play.
Wait... Peace???? Fuck it. WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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