Wednesday, December 18, 2013

More than a Handful

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 125 enemies in Multiplayer Matchmaking - Complete.
2500 cR.

Man, the Buddy Fuckers are out in force tonight. Went to Grifball to get some easy kills, but these guys were just awful.
One game got down to me VS 4. They just camped out and raped me until the clock ran out. You know me, I won't quit, very bad for one's health.
Next game had a guy on our team in cahoots with the enemy team. So their man got the ball and hid in the corner while being protected by our fucker. The other two players quit, so now it was me VS 5. I did not give a damn, I kept on hammerin'.
Last game was a glitch though. Our 4 on 4 became 4 on 3, our advantage. Then the game switched hosts and two people got bumped. So suddenly there is only one enemy and we already have the ball. He put up a good fight, and finally we just scored and got out of it.

So, I completed all of today's challenges (amazingly) and now will go on to some Firefight so I can finish the weekly.

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