Reach: Daily Challenge. Complete 4 games in multiplayer Matchmaking - Complete.
2400 cR.
So this comes as a bonus of only 600 cR per game we play. I am sure I can compare that and find it completely out of whack with other such challenges. And only 4 games? Yeah, that is a hardship. Really guys, come up with some better shit.
In Halo 5 I want there to be a standard block of challenges for the day plus special AND custom. But the daily benchmarks should be like 100, 250 and 500 players. Kill each of those levels and get a bonus. 500, 1000, 3000 enemies (other than players) and get extra bonus. And so on. And each day have special ones created. 14 kills with shotgun, 10 banshees, whatever.
Yeah, 343, I will happily sit down and dream these up for you. I'll be the Head Fucker In Charge of the challenges department. I can designate these levels for everything in a few weeks and have it balance AND I will provide you a whole months worth of weekly and daily challenges in under a week. I'll even do it for minimum wage plus faygo!
"I said FAYGO! FUCK Mt. Dew!"
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