Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Harvesting Hunters

4: Spartan Ops Weekly Challenge. Kill 20 Hunters - Complete.
4000 XP

Now, as I am already maxed out on level, it makes little sense to be putting this much effort into 4. I am actually very unhappy with 343 right now for making football helmets for Spartans and for taking away my Regicide. However, I want to get my 100% kill rate on all enemies as well. I will put more effort into Reach shortly. But right now, in Covenant all I am missing is Hunters and Jackal Majors for completion of kills. Promethians I need to work on all around, but I'm getting there. On we go.

On another issue, I wonder what the game play will be like for Destiny. I am very much looking forward to putting my time back on a Bungie project. I may need a whole new blog.

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