Sunday, January 6, 2013

Film Afficionado

4: War Games Daily Challenge - Upload a film clip that you authored.

Oh my freaking god. I don't know if I am disappointed at this challenge because it is so stupid OR that it was challenging to me. *facepalm*
I recorded the video of the previously bragged about Regicide match. Then I uploaded it. However, it was actually kind of difficult for me to find HOW to do that. Thankfully I did not have to Google it. But really, do they have to make THIS the daily challenge. Sure, the pay off was equal to the difficulty, 500xp. But to waste a slot for that on the daily challenge. Couldn't they have put in "Earn one Assassination" for the same or more XP, something that is actually pertinent to one's ability in Halo?
Believe me, you don't WANT to see the kinds of videos that I make and put on the internet.

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