Wednesday, January 9, 2013

No Easy Way Out

4: Achievement - No Easy Way Out
In Episode 5, Chapter 1 of Spartan Ops survived the enemy assault during the defense on Normal or harder.

Thank you again Achievement Hunter. This is written incorrectly in 2 ways.

1) Not on Normal. On Heroic or Legendary. I did Heroic.

2) Survive is a loose term. I thought that it had to be NO DEATHS during the part where the defense Icons were up. This is not true.
I died lots and lots. But I made it through the whole assault.
When the Defend Icons go away and you are told to activate a new device, DO NOT DO IT! Keep fighting Promethians. If you hit the device, it will stop the attack. There are more waves to come and you have to defeat all of them to get this achievement. Strangely, there was still one Watcher in front of me when the achievement activated.

Thanks again Achievement Hunter for showing me the problems in this.
It is slightly cheating to ask these guys where every little Easter Egg and achievement is, but I tried SO FUCKING HARD before I asked them, because I knew there had to be something wrong with the wording on this. And I always try to get the achievements on my own before consulting with them. Peace!

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