Thursday, July 18, 2013

Destroyer of Grunts

4: War Games Weekly Challenge. Kill 100 Grunts - Complete.
10000 XP.

The XP no longer matters, I have reached my limit of levels. Which I think is bullshit.
Again, this rewards me with 100 XP per kill of a GRUNT in a game where my deaths matter not. And yet a headshot against another human player in which my performance actually matters only nets me 25 xp per kill. What the blood hell is going on here, 343? Rewarding people MORE for playing spartan ops than for war games. NOT kewl.

I have gotten nearly 1300 page views to date, so if any of you are actually reading this, let me know, leave a comment. Maybe we should start bombarding 343 with posts and emails.

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