Sunday, June 29, 2014


Reach: Custom Challenge. Earn 600 headshots in 3 hours - Complete.
10,000 cR.

Yep, and got lots of pistol kills, too to help with my commendation. Did this in 6 rounds of Grunpocalypse. Lots of fun. Now if only the rest of the good ones did not conflict with the daily challenges. That is some BULL SHIT.

And why the fuck are these not available for Halo 4? The Chief Collection and 5 are on the way, but 343 still has an empty slot on 4 for the custom challenges that NOTHING is happening with.
Thanks, you cock-bites. You spoiled the art of Machinima and have fucked up Bungie's wonderful achievement.

Frozen Sleep

If any of you are actually reading this from time to time, there is something you should look into.

Frozen Sleep by Malufenix

This is a wonderful composition by a very talented artist. I really hope that in the future she will have an opportunity to work with my friends at Rooster Teeth (FUCK YOU, 343).

Any of you who really feel for that AI, not only for what we see her go through in the games and what we read of her in the books, but for how much identity bullshit the games have put her through, any of you who like Cortana should definitely watch this and listen close.

Just a Shower

Reach: Daily Challenge. Complete any Campaign mission on Normal or harder with Thunderstorm on - Complete.
4000 cR.

This was actually kind of fun. Though I find it interesting that Normal + Thunderstorm is < Heroic.

Roast 'em, Toast 'em

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 10 enemies while jet-packing in Exodus on Normal - Complete.
2400 cR.

Yeah, that was too easy. I enjoyed going through the rest of the level and just killing things.

I really do not like how many abbreviations and the use of the ' that the challenges use. Wow, do I complain a lot or what.

Shootin' and Lootin'

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 250 enemies in any game mode in Reach - Complete.
3800 cR.

Was not such a bad time. In point of fact I completed it in the campaign while going after the other two I got today.

The daily challenge that I am not going after includes earning 40k points in a campaign mission. On Legendary with lots of Skulls I don't think I could do that. Doesn't seem to be my level of play. But that is also a very underpaying project.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Return of the Mack

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 35 Elites in Campaign today on Normal or Harder - Complete.
3000 cR.

This was fun, took some work. I did do it on Normal, and that was fun. Did The Pillar of Autumn and some of The Long Night of Solace. Happy to make some cR for shooting Elites.

Still working on Campaign only so I can complete the commendations. Those will give some cR, but otherwise the game pays little to nothing, which I find insulting. Still have some Achievements to get, too.
IF THEY CAME TO HEAR ME BEG - I've wasted lots of time trying to do that one.


Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 200 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with precision weapons - Complete.
2500 cR.

100 of any enemies for 3000 cR = 30 credits per head.
200 enemies in a restricted game time with only 4 possible weapons of which only 2 are common to the loadouts for 2500 cR = 12.5 credits per head. What the fuck? WHO is it that makes these up every day? Worse, what if it is a computer algorithm? Whoever programmed THAT thing needs my steel toe boots in their nuts, even if those nuts are ovaries.

Light Fare

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach - Complete.
3000 cR.

This was easy, but still freaking stupid. See the next post.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Put Your Quarter Up

Reach: Daily Challenge. Complete 12 games in multiplayer Matchmaking - Complete.
3200 cR.

Now day's like today are the reason I keep this, when I want to rant on and on about how fucking awesome something was, none of my friends have the patience to hear it.

So, I started with the necessary Firefight to clear out the first challenge. Then I went into Matchmaking. Wanted to work on double kills, so I played 2 games of Grifball. Won both. Then went into regular Slayer because I also wanted to get the assist challenge. Which I have not completed yet today.
Multiplayer Slayer went awesome. I did finish all 12 games at 10 for 12. I NEVER have good days like this.
Game 3 for the 4 wins was a good fight and fun. Did OK. The 4th one was kind of crap, 3 of the 4 enemies quit. We fucked up the last guy, but like a champ he stayed in. He kicked butt, and but we won none the less. So there was the 4 victories.
It was 2 games later I got my first defeat for the night. Not to mitigate, but to thank my opponents, I say this. We were 4 random assholes paired up with a regular set of 4 players. You know the kind. All nearly the same rank. The same armor, the same insignia, names that go together. They were obviously well skilled and working together. It was fun working against them. And the victory was not that bad. I enjoyed the game and feel no shame loosing to them.

More games in, there was a pair of idiots that came in and started fucking around, so we beat their team. On the next round those two stayed, but their partners checked out, so we had a field day. We tore them up, killed them to bits, murdered them to death. Final score (US) Blue 50: Red -2. I got a killing frenzy and no deaths. So, just as there was no joy in the 4:1 victory, this was not even a game, this was a turkey shoot.

My game 11 came up. In the first minute my 3 team mates bailed. In the next few minutes, one of the enemy did as well. Me VS 3. We ran around and kicked ass. I died a total of 27 times. But in the end my score and the top of the enemy team were tied at 11 kills. I did not get the kind of praise I send out to other people, I even felt slightly disrespected when one T-bagged me and they beat my corpse, but I don't feel any shame for that fight.

Tonight I was fucking ON! I'll be going back on in a bit to finish up the assists, but even if I don't have another night like this for months or a year, no problem. I had tonight. 6/9     HA HA HA!

Home Field Advantage

Reach: Daily Challenge. Win 4 games in multiplayer Matchmaking - Complete.
1600 cR.

This was way more easy than it should have been. But see the entry on "Put Your Quarter Up" next.

One Spartan Army

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 100 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking - Complete.
2000 cR.

This is another one of those fucking insulting challenges, since there are 125 enemies in one round of Firefight.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Light fuse, run away

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 4 enemies with grenades in a multiplayer Matchmaking game - Complete.
2100 cR.

I actually wasn't so worried about this. I played a few rounds of Big Team Battle and scored a few, but not enough. Then I played several rounds of SWAT for fun. After that I decided to go to regular Slayer, but changed to go to Rumble Pit (free for all). I got my ass kicked BAD. But I got my 4 grenade kills, and not all sticky. So, I'll take the extra coin.

Shootin' and Lootin'

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 400 enemies in any game mode in Reach - Complete.
4000 cR.

Yeah, so there were the 100 headshots I already got, the non-headshots in between, and then I did several rounds of 2x Score Attack to round out the rest.

Hyper Lethal Vecter

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 100 enemies with headshots in Firefight Matchmaking - Complete.
3000 cR.

Two sets of Grunpocalypse. No problem.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

The T. G. Opposition

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 40 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with the Shotgun - Complete.
2000 cR.

Yeah, same single game of Firefight as the other challenge. Not easy to do once the elites start storming the place with rocket launchers, but I got it done.
50 cR per kill. At least it is scaled compared to a Spartan life.

I have no idea what the name of this challenge means.

Up Close and Personal

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 8 opponents with close quarters combat in a multiplayer Matchmaking game - Complete.
2600 cR.

Again: Grifball. That happened real fast. Even with the lag on the system it was a quick game and lots of squishing.
325 cR per squish. Wow, life is cheap.


Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking - Complete.
3200 cR.

Yeah, one round, everyone else eventually dropped out. Easy money.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Reach Commendations


Today I got another medal for multiplayer to Onyx. Close Quarters. Happy with that. I have most in Firefight onyx or max. I have few in Campaign even gold. But multiplayer are the ones you can really be proud of.

Another thing I am happy about, even if my BPR is only 30 and my KDR is 0.68, I have played 1417 games of multiplayer Matchmaking but only 1162 games of Firefight Matchmaking.

Cook 'em, Clean 'em!

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 10 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking while you are jet-packing - Complete.
1200 cR.

This took 3 games to complete. Still fun.

Oops! All Kills!

Reach: Daily Challenge. Earn 15 Multikills in multiplayer Matchmaking - Complete.
3000 cR.

That same game of Grifball. More than 15, no problem. And in the end I cleared more than 10k for loosing 3:0. Good game, Grifball.

Fire When Ready

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 30 enemies in Multiplayer Matchmaking - Complete.
2100 cR.

One game of Grifball and that was more than done. Lost, 3:0.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Points, Points

Reach: Daily Challenge. Earn 20,000 points in a Firefight Matchmaking game - Complete.
2750 cR.

Points Points POINT WHORE

So, in the first round I did try to get us into Glacier. Of the 4 of us, one quit when we entered Courtyard. Hate those fucks. C'mon, waste 10 minutes blowing up stuff in Arcadefight and just enjoy the credits, specially when you are nowhere near Inheritor.
So, a few moments into the game a second person quit, either because he died or glitched or was an ass, I don't know. Don't care. I was hoping to wind up alone in a server and that is what I got. After the first few waves the last one quit on me as well and I was all alone.
It was not so hard then, I had everyone to myself, all I had to do was lob grenades and use the Fuel Rod Gun to make a mess. Died lots, popped up, kill kill kill.
Lets face it, unlimited ammo and lives and tons of credits available. Why did they bother to make us mortal? Whatever. I want my Inclement Weather armor effect and I want Inheritor so I can finally retire this game.

Heroic Spelunking

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 125 enemies on Glacier on Heroic in Firefight Matchmaking - Complete.
2100 cR.

Damn, at first I thought this meant Butt Sex with Kat.

So THIS one was scaled to be less rewarding than today's Blastin' and Relaxin'?
Yeah, two rounds of Grunpocalypse cleared this. FUCK, I hate when the grunts kill themselves and each other. I got 117 (ha ha) kills on the first round.

Blastin' and Relaxin'

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach - Complete.
2343 cR.

Do they really think putting "343" in the credit total is funny or cute?
Yeah, so this happened, as it does, while trying to get other shit done. Thank you for the credits, bringing me less than 0.01% closer to my goal.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Magic Number

Reach: Daily Challenge. Complete 7 games in multiplayer Matchmaking - Complete.
3000 cR.

Lots of fun playing some SWAT and Grifball.
I changed my tag from K 66 to iSUK just to make sure people know I have no delusions.

... And Recreation

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 150 enemies on Beachhead on Heroic in Firefight Matchmaking - Completed.
2125 cR.

OK, so today if I kill 100 grunts, enemies, other players, ANYTHING I get 3k. But if I do it in Firefight Matchmaking specifically on Beachhead AND I kill more creatures, I get even less credits. Really? Who thinks this shit up? It is nice that in order to get through this 150 you have to cross the 100 line and get the 3k from Light Fare, but that demeans the accomplishment of going through the trouble to do this on a specific map that has to be offered randomly. And it wastes a slot for another challenge. If the completion of one challenge would automatically qualify the completion of another, then that second challenge should be re-evaluated. I can't wait for Destiny. Maybe I need to start writing emails to Bungie to see if I can get on the consulting staff for something. Hell, I'd work for nothing more than gas money to the office and a constant supply of munchies while there.

Light Fare

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 100 enemies in any game mode in Reach - Complete.
3000 cR.

This I got done fast. Firefight - Score attack 2X Score Attack on Beachhead. And in a moment, you will see why this is so fucked up. See next post.

Monday, June 2, 2014


Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking - Complete.
3200 cR

Yeah, one match and it was done. Easy credits. Made a total of 9k for that one round, which is getting me closer to my goal.

I realized the other day that everyone in Reach would complete the armory at the same rank. I don't know how much I have earned to get my rank of Eclipse, or how much it cost for all the armory items I have so far, but the only thing I am missing is "Inclement Weather" armor effect which is 2 million cR. I am at 1,079,801 right now. I need more than 1 mil to reach the rank of Nova, I think.

But as with 4, which I ranked out WAY too quickly, I think that the armor and effects should take far more than the rank. We should reach top rank and still have stuff to buy.

Don't even get me started on how I think the daily challenges should be run.
Thanks for reading, those of you who do stop in here. See you on the battle field.