Wednesday, June 4, 2014

... And Recreation

Reach: Daily Challenge. Kill 150 enemies on Beachhead on Heroic in Firefight Matchmaking - Completed.
2125 cR.

OK, so today if I kill 100 grunts, enemies, other players, ANYTHING I get 3k. But if I do it in Firefight Matchmaking specifically on Beachhead AND I kill more creatures, I get even less credits. Really? Who thinks this shit up? It is nice that in order to get through this 150 you have to cross the 100 line and get the 3k from Light Fare, but that demeans the accomplishment of going through the trouble to do this on a specific map that has to be offered randomly. And it wastes a slot for another challenge. If the completion of one challenge would automatically qualify the completion of another, then that second challenge should be re-evaluated. I can't wait for Destiny. Maybe I need to start writing emails to Bungie to see if I can get on the consulting staff for something. Hell, I'd work for nothing more than gas money to the office and a constant supply of munchies while there.

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