Sunday, September 21, 2014

20140921 Bounties

Destiny: Vanguard Bounties

1) Relic Harvest - Mars
Collect 200 Olympus Tears on Mars
50 Rep, 2500 xp

2) Knuckleduster
Melee Kill 30 enemies without dying
50 Rep, 2500 xp

3) Unstopable
Earn 9000 Experience without dying
50 Rep 2500 xp

4) Predator and Prey
Kill 20 enemies without taking damage from them
50 Rep, 2500 xp

5) Patrol the Moon
Complete 6 Patrol missions on the Moon
50 Rep, 2500 xp

6) Target: Telthor, Unborn
Defeat Telthor in the "Chamber of Night" mission on the Moon with the Heroic modifier active.
100 Rep, 5000 xp
It was fun to do this on my own again. Getting good at this mission. And my assault rifle is as accurate as a sniper rifle.

Destiny: Crucible Bounties

1) Shake the Pillars
Defeat 25 Titans in the Crucible
75 Rep, 3750 xp

2) Light the Way
Defeat 15 Guardians using a Super
50 Rep, 2500 xp

I do not like to abandon bounties and missions, but today the queens stuff came out and I do not know how long it will be there, so I dropped these to make room.

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