Monday, September 29, 2014

Ikora Part 2

A Request From Ikora Part 2
Exotic Weapon Bounty
Earn a Kills/Death spread of 25 in the Crucible.
Rewards: Unknown
"I know the Crucible is unforgiving - but that's why it's valuable. Show me that you don't spend all your time as a pool of particles waiting to be reassembled by your Ghost."

Oh fuck me crooked. The Game I won the other day is about the best that I think I can ever do, that was a total fucking fluke. I actually do not know how long this damn thing is going to spend in my inventory. And I further wonder how many times I have to do it. The meter reads "0 of 25 Completed". This is going to take some time. The weapon had better be fucking amazing.

20141003 I am abandoning this bounty. I am not a player for PvP. I don't do well at it and I don't like it. 10 has been my best spread in here so far. I get my crucible marks by turning in collected materials. I am sure this will eventually lead to a great weapon, but I am going to pass on it. This is the second such bounty I have encountered, I am sure there will be more.

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