Monday, October 13, 2014

Dislike of PVP

Is it wrong that I don't like Player vs Player action in games? Does it mean that I am not as good as most others? Most likely. But I paid my money for this game and I have every right to participate in it.

I cannot say I am happy for those who do great in PVP and get to show off for it. I don't see that and feel warm inside. I don't smile for them. But when stuff in the campaign starts to depend on the muliplayer, I start do feel discriminated against.

In Halo it was not so bad. You can look at ribbons and achievements and see who is best in what. Here in Destiny, the Crucible is an integral part to get what you need for the story. All the clans and all the special events are built around the Crucible. I did not buy this for a new forum to compete against other people. I bought this for a story I can be part of. I want to see what the writers and animators have come up with for us to be part of. But now I have to live through the multiplayer and even excel at it in order to make good on what I have found in the campaign.

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