Wednesday, December 3, 2014

2014 December 02 update

Oh what the fuck. I see that there are now many more updates waiting for the release of The Darkness Below. But some of this is crap.

I was very happily spending my time gathering materials to sell to the Crucible Quartermaster in exchange for a pittance of XP and Crucible Marks. That was getting me along just fine. About 40% on my way to level 2 and being able to get the Marks I needed to buy my gear from Dead Orbit. Now it has changed? What the fuck? That is a huge change to throw out this late in the game. That was the only way I could keep going and keep up with some of the people who are even simply mediocre in the Crucible and thus better than me. Now I will have to endure battle after battle in the Crucible to attempt earning marks to buy gear from any of the factions. So if this is going to stand, then the Factions need to accept Vanguard marks as well. This is just so fucked. The Factions do not actually matter in the Crucible. You can wear the mark of NONE in the Crucible and still do well. The solar system and the tower are where the Factions matter.

It is also seeming that the story line is starting to take a back road. Why else are these three different groups in the tower needing to give us missions and have us rank up. Not just so we can fight one another in simulated combat. There is a purpose behind each of them. And if what they are doing is not going to affect the game at all, then what the hell?

All things being equal, I am sure that there is a balance between the gear to be bought from The Vanguard, The Crucible, and The Factions. Each of those 5 dealers have weapons that are more to taste rather than actually better or worse than the others. And I have found shit from all 5 in random drops. Those have been real treasures. Hell, I have two different variants on the rocket launcher "The Unfriendly Giant". I also got two variants of another launcher and I decided to dismantle one for it's Ascendant pieces.

But are there really some people so involved in The Crucible that they cannot dare ever go to the Patrol zones to collect materials? Is it so necessary that they be available for sale using Marks? These are so abundant that if anything they should only cost Glimmer.

Bungie, you really made me happy with this game being released so I was no longer prisoner to 343's bullshit. Please, do not follow in their footsteps.

And bring back the queen's missions, damn it.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

20141026 Destiny Bounties

Vanguard Bounties
1) Target: Bracus Tha'aurn
Defeat Bracus Tha'aurn in "The Buried City" mission on Mars with the Heroic modifier active.
100 Rep, 5000 xp
I am starting to think that Rasputen is going to be a problem later on. He is fending off Hive and Cabal. But what is to say he is going to like us any longer? Was he pre or post Traveler?

2) Body Dropper
Kill 100 enemies without dying.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

3) It's all in the Head
Kill 100 enemies with precision damage.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

4) Relic Harvest - Moon
Collect 200 Impact Shards on the Moon.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

5) Patrol Cosmodrome
Complete 6 Patrol missions in the Cosmodrome.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

Saturday, October 25, 2014

One Thousand Resources


I worked all week. Each day collecting 50 or more of each resource and sticking it in the storage.
Today I finally got 250 of each of the 4 and took them to the Crucible Quartermaster.
I was paid 100 Crucible marks, the most you can get in a week. I got an achievement for that.
I earned almost half of my level 4 rep with The Future War Cult.
The last 4 (maybe 5) transactions I made each earned me a mote of light in addition to the Rep and marks.
When I was done I had so much XP on my weapons and armor I now have to go get a shit ton of resources again to put them together.
It may be strenuous, but this is definitely the preffered way for me to get my Crucible marks and level. Damn, I wish I had not had my FWC band on, all that Rep would have gone to Crucible. Se la vi.

20141025 Destiny Bounties

Vanguard Bounties
1) One for All
Achieve Gold Tier Rating in [3] Public Events.
100 Rep, 5000 xp

2) Patrol Mars
Complete 6 Patrol Missions on Mars.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

3) Target: Banuk, Ur Prince
Defeat Banuk in the "Sword of Crota" mission on the moon with the Heroic modifier active.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

Friday, October 24, 2014

20141024 Destiny Bounties

Vanguard Bounties
1) Patrol Mars
Complete 6 Patrol missions on Mars.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

2) Unstoppable
Earn 9000 Experience without dying.
50 Rep, 2500 xp
I wonder if I get to 7k and then turn in one of the other bounties if this one will click Complete? Have to test this. Oooops, forgot to stop and check. Oh well, it comes up every other day.

3) Relic harvest - Mars
Collect 200 Olympus Tears on Mars.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

4) Knuckleduster
Melee Kill 30 enemies without dying.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

5) Exalted Hive
Kill 10 Hive Majors or Ultras.
100 Rep, 5000 xp

Thursday, October 23, 2014

20141023 Destiny Bounties

Vanguard Bounties
1) Simiks-3
Kill Simiks-3 in the Archive mission on Venus with the Heroic modifier active.
100 Rep, 5000 xp

2) It's all in the Head
Kill 100 enemies with Precision damage.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

3) Relic Harvest - Mars
Collect 200 Olympus Tears on Mars.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

20141022 Destiny Bounties

Vanguard Bounties
1) One for All
Achieve Gold Tier Rating in [3] Public Events.
100 Rep, 5000 xp

2) Patrol Cosmodrome
Complete 6 Patrol missions in the Cosmodrome.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

3) Body Dropper
Kill 100 enemies without dying.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

20141021 Destiny Bounties

Vanguard Bounties
1) Body Dropper
Kill 100 enemies without dying.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

2) Predator and Prey
Kill 20 enemies without taking damage from them.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

3) Patrol Venus
Complete 6 Patrol missions on Venus.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

4) Fallen Leaders
Kill 10 Fallen Majors or Ultras.
100 Rep, 5000 xp

Disturb the Remains

In the Cosmodrome I found a cave near the old farming cave, outside the Grotto where the Fallen and Hive are always battling.
I found in there a stack of burnt bodies. I cannot tell what they are, or were. But when I approached the option "X: Disturb the Remains" appeared. What they said to me in deathly cold voices were "A million deaths are not enough for Master Rahoul". What has the Cryptarch done? And what were they? Hive, Fallen, or Human?

20141020 Destiny Bounties

Vanguard Bounties
1) Body Dropper
Kill 100 enemies without dying.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

2) It's all in the Head
Kill 100 enemies with precision damage.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

3) Patrol Cosmodrome
Complete 6 Patrol mission in the Cosmodrome.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

Sunday, October 19, 2014

20141019 Destiny Bounties

Vanguard Bounties
1) Fallen Leaders
Kill 10 Fallen Majors or Ultras.
100 Rep, 5000 xp

2) Exalted Hive
Kill 10 Hie Majors or Ultras.
100 Rep, 5000 xp

Friday, October 17, 2014

Toland's Journal [Fragmented]

Exotic Weapon Bounty
Not sure what weapon this is for yet.

First stage was to complete a Weekly Heroic Strike. Which was a bitch and then some, but good, Thank you Preacher.

Now it is a journal I must bring to Ikora.
"The Journals of Toland have been sought after by the Warlocks in the Tower for many generations."

Stage 2: Track down the fragments of Toland's Journal by completing Strikes on any Destination."
"Toland obsessed over the power of the Traveler - and the secrets of the Darkness. His quest took him into enemy strongholds throughout the Inner Solar System. Search for more fragments there."

2014 11 10
Just got those 25 locked in. Now for the next part.

Stage 3: Ikora Rey tells me "This Journal is encrypted with a formidable cipher that demands the attention of a senior Warlock and her Ghost."
Toland's Journal [Decrypted]
Exotic Weapon Bounty
Bring the Journal to the Gunsmith.
"Among other secrets, this journal contains the pattern of a weapon forged in Toland's madness. The Gunsmith may be able to make use of it."
"Be cautious, Guardian. Toland was banished for good reason."

Banshee tells me:
"The notorious Toland? Let me take a look."
Hand it in.

The Journal is now a
Black Market Coupon
Exotic Weapon Bounty
Obtain a darkness infused weapon frame from Xur.
"If you want to go through with this, I hope you are stronger than Toland. bringe ma a Darkness-marked weapon frame from Xur."
"Take this coupon to him. No doubt he'll still expect some payment for his trouble."
"I'll send the Journal back to Ikora Rey, so it can be... contained."

Fuck, now I have to wait until Friday.

From Xur for 1 exotic coin.
Darkness-Infused Weapon Frame
Exotic Weapon Bounty
Bring the weapon frame to the Gunsmith
"Whenever you hold the weapon, your Ghost begins to look... delcious. It's probably best to bring this to the Gunsmith as soon as possible."

Yeah, I am not eating Peter Dinklage for any reason. I saw the things he did in BOTH "Death at a Funeral", "Nip / Tuck" and "Game of Thrones". He is safe. Onward with this excruciating quest for another exotic weapon.

Darkness-Infused Pulse Rifle
Exotic Weapon Bounty
Defeat Guardians in the Crucible.
0 of 10,000 completed
"The Darkness must be set in conflict with the Traveler's Light. Bathe this weapon with the energies of Guardians in the Crucible. Warlocks in particular.
Return to me when you are done."

Oh what the fuck. Well, unlike the pistol, this does not say I will be deducted for loosing. I will try this. If it is a matter of a few points per kill, I will muddle through some how. All things being equal, this has to be a weapon at least as good as my other two.

Completed the 10,000 the task wanted of me. It was something in the range of crucible points earned. It was an interesting experience. Thankfully I did not loose points for dying.

Sated Pulse Rifle
Exotic Weapon Bounty
Return the weapon to the Gunsmith.
"Dark energies seep from the barrel of the rifle. It is ready to be born. Return to the Gunsmith."

Why does it read "the Gunsmith". If they are not going to call him by his name, Banshee, it should read "The Gunsmith."

I now have the Bad Juju
Fitting for a Warlock, no?
The look is like a raptor.

20141017 Destiny Bounties

Vanguard Bounties
1) Unstoppable
Earn 9000 Experience without dying.
50 Rep, 2500 xp
Even though I do occasionally have trouble with this one, mostly for being  stupid, Perhaps this one should be scaled by level. When I was level 4 it was much harder than now when I am knocking at 30. Then again, the rewards are no longer as impressive. 2500 xp above the 9k doesn't get me much and the 50 rep is not doing so much to help me. Still, a thought.

2) Patrol Mars
Complete 6 Patrol missions on Mars.
50 Rep, 2500 xp
I like mars. "I can't believe I'm back on Mars". ~Michael Garibaldi (SP)

Personal Projects
1) Resources
Gather to a total of 200 each and then submit all.
Relic Iron 146
Helium Filaments 133
Spinmetal 123
Spirit Bloom 200

Thursday, October 16, 2014

20141015 Destiny Bounties

Vanguard Bounties
1) One for All
Achieve Gold Tier Rating in [3] Public Events.
100 Rep, 5000 xp.
Complete (Put on hold so I could do 3 and 4)
Wow, my good spot on Venus (Ember Caves) takes over an hour between public events. But I got them. :D

2) Exalted Hive
Kill 10 Hive Majors or Ultras.
100 Rep, 5000 xp

3) Relic Harvest - Cosmodrome
Collect 200 Sensor Mites in Cosmodrome.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

4) Patrol Cosmodrome
Complete 6 Patrol missions in the Cosmodrome.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

5) Overcharge
Kill 2 enemies at once with a Fusion Rifle, 20 times.
100 Rep, 5000 xp
I have a brand new Fusion Rifle, exotic one at that. Might as well put it through the paces. It is hard to get them fuckers to line up and hold still. :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

20141015 Destiny Bounties

Vanguard Bounties
1) It's all in the Head
Kill 10 enemies with precision damage.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

2) Predator and Prey
Kill 20 enemies without taking damage from them.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

3) Patrol Mars
Complete 6 Patrol missions on Mars.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

4) Target: Sardox, Eye of Oryx
Defeat Sardox in the "Shrine of Oryx" mission on the Moon with the Heroic modifier active.
100 Rep, 5000 xp

6) Cleansing Light
Kill 3 or more enemies with a single super use, 20 times
50 Rep, 2500 xp

Personal Mission
Collect the following
75 Spinmetal (X)
75 Helium Filaments (X)
75 Spirit bloom (X)
75 Relic Iron (X)
Combine with the 50+ in stock and turn in to Crucible Quartermaster
(Yes, I know it has to be in 50s, but I have to make up for lost time today and tomorrow to get all I wanted done)

Monday, October 13, 2014

20141013 Destiny Bounties

Vanguard Bounties
1) Relic Harvest - Mars
Collect 200 Olympus Tears on Mars.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

Dislike of PVP

Is it wrong that I don't like Player vs Player action in games? Does it mean that I am not as good as most others? Most likely. But I paid my money for this game and I have every right to participate in it.

I cannot say I am happy for those who do great in PVP and get to show off for it. I don't see that and feel warm inside. I don't smile for them. But when stuff in the campaign starts to depend on the muliplayer, I start do feel discriminated against.

In Halo it was not so bad. You can look at ribbons and achievements and see who is best in what. Here in Destiny, the Crucible is an integral part to get what you need for the story. All the clans and all the special events are built around the Crucible. I did not buy this for a new forum to compete against other people. I bought this for a story I can be part of. I want to see what the writers and animators have come up with for us to be part of. But now I have to live through the multiplayer and even excel at it in order to make good on what I have found in the campaign.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Light in the Dark

Destiny Exotic Weapon Bounty

Step 1: Complete "The Summoning Pits" Strike on the Moon.

"The Weapons of Sorry were born from forbidden use of the Hive's dark power. We thought them eradicated. But recent developments suggest on of these weapons may still exist in the Hive's Summoning Pits."

Completed Step 1. Fucked up that big ugly on the moon. And it looks like both of the people I was with on this mission had the same weapon they were going after.

Depleted Hand Cannon
Step 2: Harvest the energies of Hive on the Moon to activate the weapon.
Need 500 Hive kills. Level necessary, unknown.

"The weapon seems dead... but hungry. The lingering energies of the Hive you've recently defeated seep into the weapon. Perhaps it could be further empowered..."

Step 3: Use Void Damage to defeat Guardians in the Crucible. Death will slow your progress.
Need 500 kills.

"The hand cannon seethes with the dark energies of the Hive you've defeated. It seems... eager for more power. Go to the Crucible and allow the weapon to feast off the Light of defeated Guardians."

This is some BULL SHIT. I don't like the Crucible, I don't want to compete in the Crucible. And with the speed I die at, this will take quite a while to complete. Fuck me running.

6 kills and 12 deaths got me 11 of 500 progress with this part. May not be that terrible. Still NOT what I want to do. But much easier than Ikara's quest.
I got up to 32 and now down to 25. So it is possible for it to remain incomplete. But I am working on it.
Yep, now it is down to 15 after a total of 5 Rumble matches.

20141012 Destiny Bounties

Vanguard Bounties

1) One for All
Achieve Gold Tier Rating in Public Events
Needs 3
100 Rep, 5000 xp

2) Patrol the Moon
Complete 6 Patrol missions on the Moon.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

3) Knuckleduster
Melee Kill 30 enemies without dying.
50 Rep, 2500 xp
The melee attack with the sword of Crota is still a melee hit. ;)

4) Body Dropper
Kill 100 enemies without dying.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

5) Target: Sardox, Eye of Oryx
Defeat Sardok in the "Shrine of Oryx" mission on the Moon with the Heroic modifier active.
100 Rep, 5000 xp

6) Target: Telthor, Unborn
Defeat Telthor in the "Chamber of Night" mission on the Moon with the Heroic modifier active.
100 Rep, 5000 xp

Turning in bounty 3 and 4 got me another exotic mission.

Crucible bounties
1) Stay Golden
Complete 5 Rumble Matches
100 Rep, 5000 xp

2) Broken Scholar
Defeat 25 Warlocks in the Crucible.
75 Rep, 3750 xp

Iron Banner Bounties

1) Hard Forged
Earn 10,000 xp while competing in the Iron Banner tournament.
75 Rep, 3750 xp

I figure I have to kill some things to get some things done. The 9k on Patrol is not that hard, this should be ok. And there is no death penalty.
Wow, one match got me 2330. I might just get this one done.
20141015 - I skip a couple days and the Iron Banner is over. I still have the bounty in my list, but there is no event to compete in.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

20141009 Destiny Bounties

Vanguard Bounties
1) Unstopable
Earn 9000 xp without dying.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

2) One For All
Complete 3 public events.
100 Rep, 5000 xp

3) Target: Merok, Eir Prince
Defet Merok in the "Sword of Crota" mission on the Moon with the Heroic modifier active
100 Rep, 5000 xp
Got lots done on this one mission. This, Body Dropper and Knuckleduster. The melee hit with the sword is still a melee hit.

4) Patrol Venus
Complete 6 Patrol missions on Venus.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

5) Fallen Leaders
Kill 10 Fallen Majors or Ultras.
100 Rep, 5000 xp

6) Target: Primus Sha'aull
Defeat Primus Shau'ull (sic) in "The Garden's Spire" mission on Mars with the Heroic modifier active.
100 Rep, 5000 xp

On the bounty iteself, in the description, the name of the target is misspelled. :D

Archon Priest

Destiny: Weekly Heroic Strike
Kill the Archon Priest before it's soul is completely restored.
Yeah, at level 22 with only me and Preacher, that didn't go so well.

House of Winter's Kell

Daily Heroic Story
Took out the Kell on lv 20 with the aid of preacher.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Shattered Memory Fragment

"Mentor Program" Exotic Weapon Bounty

Track down Fireteam Tuyet's last stand.

Next: Kill a Gate Lord with Heroic modifier on.

Returning the Ghost to the Speaker got me an exotic fusion rifle schematic. I must take this to the gunsmith. See what all he wants me to do. Something about taking apart 10 rare fusion rifles.

Luck was on my side, the gunsmith finally had the weapon I needed for 1600 glimmer each. So I bought them and dismantled them until I had what I needed.
I gave him back the weapon and now I need to kill people in the Weekly Nightfall Mission until it "stabilizes".
So I need 200 kills with Fusion Rifle. But not just any kills, in the Weekly Nightfall Mission. And not just any place; In "The Shit", or The Darkness Zone. Have to be IN THE DARKNESS before the kills count. So I am up to 31. I'll go do more later.

200 kills in the shit complete.

Stabilized Prototype: Return the Prototype to the Gunsmith.
"The weapon is nearly ready. bring the Prototype to the Gunsmith to detach the sensor.":

Returned and got the new Fusion Rifle. Not terrible. Also got me a package with Kadi 55-30. Lets see what it is...
A fresh bounty lead. A lead for Crucible. Get 10 Fusion Rifle Sprees. Yeah, nothing doing.

Alone in Public

Wow. I just finished my second public event by myself today. 2 events, no help, 3 Gold Stars each. :D

Suited For War

Destiny Achievement
All my items are Purple or Gold, Legendary or Exotic. 30 G achievement. :D

29141008 Destiny Bounties

Vanguard Bounties
1) Walking Tall
Complete any Strike without dying
100 Rep, 5000 xp

2) Relic Harvest - Moon
Collect 200 Impact Shards on the Moon.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

3) Patrol Venus
Complete 6 Patrol missions on Venus.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

4) Fallen Leaders
Kill 10 Fallen Majors or Ultras
100 Rep, 5000 xp

It is true that these become very repetitive but I don't mind it. They do not become redundant in my opinion. And above all, I really like how consistent they are in the reward, compared to what I have said about Reach challenges. Thank you, Bungie!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

20141007 Destiny Bounties

Well, after a long morning of updates I am finally able to get in again. I am looking at the new event. I don't like it. I don't want Destiny to be all about the Crucible.

Vanguard Bounties
1) Exalted Hive
Kill 10 Hive Majors or Ultras.
100 Rep, 5000 xp.

2) Predator and Prey
Kill 20 enemies without taking damage from them.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

3) Target: Grayliks, Winter Baron
Defeat Grayliks, in "The Archive" mission on Venus with the Heroic modifier active
100 Rep, 5000 xp

4) Patrol Mars
Complete 6 Patrol missions on Mars
50 Rep, 2500 xp

5) Target: Banuk, Ur Pring
Defeat Banuk in "Sword of Crota" mission on the Moon with the Heroic modifier active.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

Sunday, October 5, 2014

20141005 Destiny Bounties

Queen's Bounties

Last Days of Winter
Defeat Draksis, Winter Kill, in the Scourge of Winter on Venus
100 Favor, 5000 xp

2) Prime Target
Defeat Speiks Prime, deep within the Cosmodrome on Earth
100 Favor, 5000 xp

Vanguard Bounties

1) Target: Aksor, Archon Priest.
Defeat Aksor, Archon Priest in the "Winters Run" Strike on Venus
50 Rep, 2500 xp

2) It's all in the Head
Kill 100 enemies with precision damage
50 Rep, 2500 xp

3) Target: Sepiks Prime
Defeat Sepiks Prime in "The Devils' Lair" Strike on Earth
50 Rep, 2500 xp

4) Patrol Cosmodrome
Complete 6 Patrol missions in the Cosmodrome
50 Rep, 2500 xp

5) Relic Harvest - Mars
Collcct 200 Olympus Tears on Mars
50 Rep, 2500 xp

Friday, October 3, 2014

20141003 Destiny Bounties

Crucible Bounties

1) Shake The Pillars
Defeat 25 Titans in the Crucible.
75 Rep, 3750 xp

2) In The Zone
Capture 10 Zones in Control.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

Vanguard Bounties

1) Body Dropper
Kill 100 enemies without dying
50 Rep, 2500 xp

2) One for All
Achieve Gold Tier Rating in Public Events
0 of 3 Completed
100 Rep, 5000 xp

3) Exalted Hive
Kill 10 Hive Majors or Ultras
100 Rep, 5000 xp

4) Patrol Venus
Complete 6 Patrol missions on Venus.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

5) Target: Aksor, Archon Priest
Defeat Aksor, Arhon Priest in the "winter's Run" Strike on Venus
50 Rep, 2500 xp

Queens Bounties

1) Extermination Protocol
Defeat 200 Fallen with headshots
100 Favor, 5000 xp

2) No Parley
Defeat 10 Fallen Majors
50 Favor, 2500 xp

3) Prime Target
Defeat Sepiks Prime, deep within the Cosmodrome on Earth
100 Favor, 5000 xp

4) Last Days of Winter
Defeat Draksis, Winter kell, in the Scourge of Winter on Venus.
100 Favor, 5000 xp

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

20140930 Destiny Bounties

Destiny: Vanguard Bounties

1) It's All in the Head
Kill 100 enemies with precision damage
50 Rep, 2500 xp

2) Predator and Prey
Kill 20 enemies without taking damage from them.
50 Rep, 2500 xp
Yep, finished this and now it is available again. Well, who am I to argue?

3) Target: Grayliks, Winter Baron
Defeat Grayliks in "The Archive" mission on Venus with the Heroic modifier active.
100 Rep,. 5000 xp

4) Patrol Mars
Complete 6 Patrol missions on Mars.
50 Rep, 2500 xp
Funny, I completed this and now it is available again.
I put it in my inventory, looks like I am going back to it.

5) Exalted Hive
Kill 10 Hive Majors or Ultras
100 Rep, 5000 xp

6) Target: Zydron, Gate Lord
Defeat Zydron in the "Eye of a Gate Lord" mission on Venus with the Heroic modifier active.
100 Rep, 5000 xp
Funny, I just completed this as a random mission on Lv 24.

Queen's Bounties
1) Archon Slayer
Defeat Riksis, the Devil Archon, in the Cosmodrome on Earth.
100 Favor, 5000 xp
And this one again. Wonderful.

2) Extermination Protocol
Defeat 200 Fallen with headshots.
100 Favor, 5000 xp

Monday, September 29, 2014

Destiny Weapon Stats

In Halo armor was just a skin and weapons were universal. Here in Destiny we have my favorite level of game involvement, upgrading equipment and coordination of tools.

However, now I want to know what I am really doing with all of my stuff. Do I sacrifice some impact with my auto rifle if the attack rating is better? Will I get more damage per second with my scout rifle even though it is much slower?

I am starting to do some research. All in all, I am a calculus student, I'd like to see the equations for me shooting a Fallen, a Vex, or (especially) another player. But for the time being, I am looking around at what other people are saying.

Here are two good entries that I am recommending to my other friends and will be looking over more of the comments and other posts. If you care to do your own research, here you go.

20140929 Destiny Bounties

Vanguard Bounties

1) Fallen Leaders
Kill 10 Fallen Majors or Ultras
100 Rep, 5000 xp

2) Relic Harvest - Mars
Collect 200 Olympus Tears on Mars
50 Rep, 2500 xp
3) Patrol Cosmodrome
Complete 6 Patrol missions in the Cosmodrome.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

4) Body Dropper
Kill 100 enemies without dying.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

Queens Bounties

1) No Parley
Defeat 10 Fallen Majors
50 Favor, 2500 xp
Hey, why not have my hand in both 'tills? Oops, they don't let you apply 1 to two bounties.

2) Extermination Protocol
Defeat 200 Fallen with headshots
100 Favor, 5000 xp

3) Prime Target
Defeat Sepiks Prime, deep within the Cosmodrome on Earth.
100 Favor, 5000 xp

Ikora Part 2

A Request From Ikora Part 2
Exotic Weapon Bounty
Earn a Kills/Death spread of 25 in the Crucible.
Rewards: Unknown
"I know the Crucible is unforgiving - but that's why it's valuable. Show me that you don't spend all your time as a pool of particles waiting to be reassembled by your Ghost."

Oh fuck me crooked. The Game I won the other day is about the best that I think I can ever do, that was a total fucking fluke. I actually do not know how long this damn thing is going to spend in my inventory. And I further wonder how many times I have to do it. The meter reads "0 of 25 Completed". This is going to take some time. The weapon had better be fucking amazing.

20141003 I am abandoning this bounty. I am not a player for PvP. I don't do well at it and I don't like it. 10 has been my best spread in here so far. I get my crucible marks by turning in collected materials. I am sure this will eventually lead to a great weapon, but I am going to pass on it. This is the second such bounty I have encountered, I am sure there will be more.

Queens Guard 1

Finally Made Queen's Guard Rank 1. Bought the Shader and the Emblem.

Vanguard 2
Crucible 0
Fallen Orbit 3
Cryptarch 11
Queen's Guard 1

Sunday, September 28, 2014

20140928 Destiny Bounties

Vanguard Bounties
1) Patrol Mars
Complete 6 Patrol Missions on Mars.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

2) Unstoppable
Earn 9000 Experience without dying
50 Rep, 2500 xp

3) Knuckleduster
Melee Kill 30 enemies without dying
50 Rep, 2500 xp

4) Relic Harvest - Moon
Collect 200 Impact Shards on the Moon
50 Rep, 2500 xp

Queens Bounties
1) Last Days of Winter
Defeat Draksis, Winter Kell, in the Scourge of Winter on Venus
100 Favor, 5000 xp

2) Prime Target
Defeat Sepiks Prime, deep witin the Cosmodrome on Earth
100 Favor, 5000 xp

3) Relic Harvest - Fallen
Collect 200 Ether Drops from Fallen Enemies on any planet
50 Favor, 2500 xp

4) Archon Slayer
Defeat Riksis, the Devil Archon, in the Cosmodrome on Earth.
100 Favor, 5000 xp

Saturday, September 27, 2014

20140927 Destiny Daily Bounties

Queens Bounties

1) Archon Slayer
Defeat Riksis, the Devil Archon, in the Cosmodrome on Earth
100 Favor, 5000xp

2) Extermination Protocol
Defeat 200 Fallen with headshots
100 Favor, 5000 xp

3) Relic Harvest - Fallen
Collect 200 Ether Drops from Fallen Enemies on any planet.
50 Favor, 2500 xp

Vanguard Bounties

1) Relic Harvest - Cosmodrome
Collect 200 Sensor Mites in Cosmodrome.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

2) Predator and Prey
Kill 20 enemies without taking damage from them
50 Rep, 2500 xp

3) Exalted Hive
Kill 10 Hive Majors or Ultras
100 Rep, 5000 xp

4) Patrol the Moon
Complete 6 Patrol missions on the Moon
50 Rep, 2500 xp

5) Target: Sardok, Eye of Oryx
Defeat Sardok in the "Shrine of Oryx" mission on the Moon with the Heroic modifier active.
100 Rep, 5000 xp

Friday, September 26, 2014

20140926 Destiny Daily Bounties

Queen's Bounties
1) Face Your Fears
Defeat 3 Fallen Walkers
50 Favor, 2500 xp
20140928 - I have been hanging out in The Divide on Earth. Killed 3 there, got credit for 1. I went after Sivik Prime twice, killed the one guarding him. No credit. The Ember Caves of Venus, killed one, got no credit. What in the hell? I am going to try one more tonight. If I don't get it I am going to abandon this mission.
OK, finally got it in The Divide. I tried the Strike again, but as I had already died and fucked up my other mission, I did not count that as my "one more time" I got this done. :)

2) No Parley
Defeat 10 Fallen Majors or Ultras
50 favor, 2500 xp

3) Relic Harvest - Fallen
Colect 200 Tears from Fallen
50 Favor, 2500 xp

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Holy Shit

Destiny: Crucible, Rumble
6 man free for all. I took the First Blood and I won. 23 Kills / 13 Deaths.
That is a rare event.

Got a kill called "I see you". Got the First Blood, got the achievement for first blood. Got 2 Super kills.

29140925 Destiny Bounties

Destiny: Vanguard Bounties
Some were picked up on 9/22, some on 9/24.

1) Unstoppable
Earn 9000 Experience without dying.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

2) Cleansing Light
Kill 3 or more enemies with a single super use, 20 times.
50 Rep, 2500 xp
Complete on 20140927

3) Walking Tall
Complete any strike without dying.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

4) Target Primus Sha'aull
Kill Sha'aull at the Garden Spire on Mars
100 Rep, 5000 xp

5) It's all in the Head
Kill 100 enemies with precision damage.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

6) Patrol Venus
Complete 6 Patrol missions on Venus.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

1) A Request From Ikora Part 1
Complete a total of 5 Strikes without dying
5 of 5
From Ikora "I did a lot of stupid things in years past. I miss those days. Why don't you get into some trouble for me? Show me your elan."
20140929 0248hrs
Gods, this was a BITCH.

Reef Bounty

1) Prime Target
Defeat Sepiks Prime, deep within the Cosmodrome on Earth
100 Queens Favor, 5000xp

2) Archon Slayer
Defeat Riksis, the Devil Archon, in the Cosmodrome on Earth
100 Queen Favor, 5000 xp
I sure hope that is the one from the jump engine mission.
Yep, it was.

3) Extermination Protocol
Defeat 200 Fallen with headshots
100 Queen's Favor, 5000 xp

Monday, September 22, 2014

20140922 Destiny Daily Bounties

Destiny: Daily Bounties

1) Relic Harvest - Venus
Collect 200 Pumice Threads on Venus.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

2) Relic Harves - Mars
Collect 200 Olympus Tears on Mars.
50 Rep, 2500 xp

3) Knuckleduster
Melee Kill 30 enemies without dying
50 Rep, 2500 xp

4) Patrol Mars
Complete 6 Patrol missions on Mars
50 Rep, 2500 xp

Sunday, September 21, 2014

20140921 Bounties

Destiny: Vanguard Bounties

1) Relic Harvest - Mars
Collect 200 Olympus Tears on Mars
50 Rep, 2500 xp

2) Knuckleduster
Melee Kill 30 enemies without dying
50 Rep, 2500 xp

3) Unstopable
Earn 9000 Experience without dying
50 Rep 2500 xp

4) Predator and Prey
Kill 20 enemies without taking damage from them
50 Rep, 2500 xp

5) Patrol the Moon
Complete 6 Patrol missions on the Moon
50 Rep, 2500 xp

6) Target: Telthor, Unborn
Defeat Telthor in the "Chamber of Night" mission on the Moon with the Heroic modifier active.
100 Rep, 5000 xp
It was fun to do this on my own again. Getting good at this mission. And my assault rifle is as accurate as a sniper rifle.

Destiny: Crucible Bounties

1) Shake the Pillars
Defeat 25 Titans in the Crucible
75 Rep, 3750 xp

2) Light the Way
Defeat 15 Guardians using a Super
50 Rep, 2500 xp

I do not like to abandon bounties and missions, but today the queens stuff came out and I do not know how long it will be there, so I dropped these to make room.

Laughing behind your back


Got a schematic for a long lost jump ship. Happy boy.
All I had to do was give Holliday the blueprints and she made the ship for me. It is bronze and awesome.